Principle of frequency independent antennas –Spiral antenna, Helical antenna, Log periodic. Propagation Modes Ground-wave propagation - The radio waves follow contour of the earth. N element linear array, Pattern multiplication, Broadside and End fire array – Concept of Phased arrays, Adaptive array, Basic principle of antenna Synthesis-Binomial array UNIT IV SPECIAL ANTENNAS Antenna and Wave propagation Syllabus Radiation from rectangular apertures, Uniform and Tapered aperture, Horn antenna, Reflector antenna, Aperture blockage, Feeding structures, Slot antennas ,Microstrip antennas – Radiation mechanism – Application ,Numerical tool for antenna analysis UNIT III ANTENNA ARRAYS EC6602 Syllabus UNIT II APERTURE AND SLOT ANTENNAS Antenna and Wave propagation Syllabus Matching – Baluns, Polarization mismatch, Antenna noise temperature, Radiation from oscillating dipole, Half wave dipole. You will learn about these antennas in later chapters.

Physical structure Following are the types of antennas according to the physical structure. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIATION Antenna and Wave propagation Syllabusĭefinition of antenna parameters – Gain, Directivity, Effective aperture, Radiation Resistance, Band width, Beam width, Input Impedance. Basic Types of Antennas Antennas may be divided into various types depending upon- The physical structure of the antenna. Ground wave and sky wave transmission are. That is the reason why long and medium wave radio stations use self-radiating, vertical transmitting masts as their antennas.
Basics of antenna and wave propagation pdf pdf#
Antenna and Wave propagation Syllabus EC6602 Regulation 2013 Anna University free download. EC6602 Syllabus free pdf download. In this paper, radio transmission theory and experiment in all frequency bands of current interest are summarized.